Monday, 20 November 2017

12 Must Have Travel Accessories

Travel carry hacks

They say, that at times, travelling is all the therapy you’ll need to get better.  And more often than not, they’re right. Although, very few people have been travelling frequently without having too much to worry about, a lot of them are yet to figure out a pattern or an easy hack to make it a convenient experience for themselves.

It is hard to decide the right travel mode, luggage requirement, budget and other factors when you’ve been influenced by plenty of travellers and their experiences. The requirements differ with every traveller and there are very few accessories that are a must have. DreamStream, the one stop solution to all your queries allows you to understand travel and its nature through the eyes of other dreamers who write in order to enlighten other Dreamers about relevant information.

Here are 12 must have travel accessories that you will need:

1.Travel wallet : Its multiple compartment feature will help you organise your documents and money and other wallet material and keep it ready for when you’ll need it.

2.Skin leather: A water holder made of cloth material to hold huge amount of water and is also not heavy to carry.

3.Luggage lock: These are important in order to keep your luggage safe. A lock doesn’t allow anybody else to access what’s inside.

4.USB solar charger: These chargers are charged with solar energy and can be used while travelling to charge your mobile phones and other gadgets.

5.Water proof passport holder: A passport cannot be afforded to damage. Buy a water proof wallet for your passport and other important documents.

6.Travel hoodies: These hoodies have multiple pockets and compartments within to store plenty of the items that could weigh your luggage down.

7.Nylon Tents: These tents are best when you’re camping in the midst of mountains and rivers as it is mosquito proof and a safe bet.

8.Portable Bluetooth speaker: Along with flashlight and USB cable, it can be paired with your phone or laptop to make your outdoor camping more exciting.

9.Solar-powered waterproof inflatable light:  this is the best accessory for your trip to secluded areas.

10.Thermal blankets: They keep you warm and allows easy storage.

11.Inflatable neck pillow: It can be reduced and packed and used when required.

12.Squeezable travel tubes: Replace shampoo containers and toothpastes with this as it is less space consuming.

Now make your plans happy and easy.

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